Post Tagged with: "Syria"

Selamat kepada Dosen HI, Syahrul Awal, M.Si tulisannya yang berjudul “US Foreign Policy towards the Democratisation of Syria in 2011-2014” masuk kedalam Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Research in Social and Humanities

Selamat kepada Dosen HI, Syahrul Awal, M.Si tulisannya yang berjudul “US Foreign Policy towards the Democratisation of Syria in 2011-2014” masuk kedalam Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Research in Social and Humanities

Selamat kepada Dosen HI, Syahrul Awal, M.Si tulisannya yang berjudul “US Foreign Policy towards the Democratisation of Syria in 2011-2014” masuk kedalam Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Research in Social and Humanities, Depok, Indonesia, 7-9 November 2016: Topics in Social and Political Sciences Competition and Cooperation in Social and Political […]

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